Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why Taking Care of Cleaning Equipment Adds to the Bottom Line

Taking good care of your cleaning equipment not only extends the life of your machines, but it saves you money too. Cleaning equipment such as vacuums, buffing machines, and automatic scrubbers can last years longer with the proper care. Caring for your cleaning equipment also shows your clients that you are a professional and you are serious when it comes to making their buildings look good! Proper maintenance of equipment helps to assure that your machine is available when you need it and will help to avoid those unexpected equipment breakdowns.

Preventative maintenance is the best practice for your cleaning machines. Your maintenance program should start when you buy a new piece of equipment. Although very few people actually do it, begin by reading the owner s manual. It will give you tips on operating the equipment as well as important advice on how to best maintain the equipment. With most of the large cleaning machines you buy, the distributor will offer custom training - be sure to take advantage of it! After you are familiar with the machine make sure that all of your cleaning employees that will operate that piece of equipment know how to properly use it.

Vacuum cleaners are the most used of all cleaning equipment and daily maintenance is the key to keeping your vacuums running smoothly. Check the bag, belt and brush roll often. One of the most important steps in maintaining your vacuum is to make sure the bag is emptied daily if necessary and before it is more than half full. Emptying the bag regularly helps to prevent clogs and will keep the vacuum running more efficiently. Before each shift employees should check the vacuum for frayed cords and any loose wires or parts. The problem should be corrected before the vacuum is used.

Employees need to pay attention to the vacuum s beater bar. The bar needs cleaning on a regular basis. It takes just a few minutes to remove any hair, carpet threads, and debris on the bar. Ignoring the beater bar can cause extra pressure on the belt drive and can even damage the belt. Belts on vacuums are easily replaced. However, if you are at all in doubt on how to replace the belt it is best to contact the distributor and get assistance.

Maintenance can be a bit more time consuming on more complex machines such as auto scrubbers and buffers. Wipe down the entire surface after each use. Also wipe the cord and make sure it is not frayed. Check the pads after each use and replace them as needed. Other routine maintenance includes blowing out the motor every 2 weeks and once a month check to make sure that all screws and bolts are tight. Rinse out the tanks after each use. Also inspect equipment for any cracks or damage.

Brushes on auto scrubbers can be magnets for small objects. Check and clean the brushes on a regular basis. Squeegees can also attract debris. Lint and hair can cause rips and tears in squeegees, which hinders the squeegee s effectiveness.

If you have battery-powered equipment, check the owner s manual so that you know what type of battery powers your scrubbers and buffers. If the equipment has an acid-battery, add distilled water as specified in the manual.

Make sure that any necessary parts are lubricated as directed in the manual. If you have any questions on the proper procedures always check with the distributor or manufacturer before doing any maintenance.

Various parts of any machine such as belts, brushes, and squeegees will need to be replaced as they become worn. The owner s manual for the equipment will have general guidelines on when to replace worn items. If the equipment is used by inexperienced operators or in extremely dirty conditions parts may need replaced more often than the recommended guidelines. Paying close attention to how the machine runs will help you decide when items should be replaced.

First impressions make a difference. Equipment that has a layer of dust, frayed cords, cracks or stains can give the impression that you do not care enough about your business to properly care for your cleaning machines. Likewise, if your customers see your equipment is clean and well cared for, it shows that you pay attention to detail. A few extra minutes each day in caring for your carpet and floor machines can pay off large dividends in the long term.

Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

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