Saturday, March 29, 2008

6 Ways To Turn Your Unique Website Visitors Into Repeat Website Customers

1. Stay in touch
stay in contact with clients on a regular basis. We will need to test and measure how your customers want to access your information.
for and some once a day, but for most will be at least once a week to once every two weeks. This is why building OptIn list is very important.
offer visitors free e - Zine subscription or a free report on " 7 deadly mistakes that ......& quot;. Simply must build your list, and if you were not losing money. Period.
after every sale, follow-up with the customer within 48 hours to determine whether they are satisfied with the purchase, and follow-up with the back end sales.
a customer who buys from you most likely to buy from you again if you provide a premium service, high value and makes them feel special and respected.
2. Friendly and easy transition site
make it easy for customers to navigate through your website. It " FAQ & quot; section on your website to explain the answers to frequently asked questions.
spell exactly how they can make transactions on-line for you. You have to be tracking your site to determine which pages are visited and where visitors enter and exit the site.
is there is a logical flow through your site? Visitors are able to view all the pages quickly (within 6 seconds) than with?
are there any slogan or advertising works photos that may disrupt the flow of information to visitors?
can They looked at the site without having to scroll left or right? Any location is ideal for at least 800 600 resolution?
you can also write electronic survey or poll n Ask your customers what they need, and provide them with an incentive to fill
3 inches. Easy to communicate with him
make it easy, your customers contact you. The e-mail, telephone, e-mail) and the Office for details). Some may prefer to use Skype or a moment Messenger as well. You can also offer free phone numbers and fax communication. I recommend using a hyperlinked Contact script rather than the e-mail address to avoid spammed.
4. Practice outstanding customer service workers
make sure knowledge and use your customer service policy. Be flexible in your customer relations and above all to be fair and respectful to their concerns, needs and wants. Give your employees bonuses or incentives to practice excellent customer service.
5. Sealing your customer with the highest " cherry & quot; approach
always give your customers more than they expect. This will reduce the likelihood of the return of " impulse buys & quot;. Thank you, or a gift voucher could go a long way to ensure that your customer buys from you again. Email within 48 hours of purchase to ensure that they love and purchase any assistance will also seek to improve customer satisfaction.
6. To respect
always be polite to your customers using the words please, thank you, your welcome. Above all, respect for your customer. If you are making a mistake apologize sincerely and quickly. Above all make it up to the customer so that they can return with a positive impression of your business. sharolyn julianne

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