Saturday, March 29, 2008

In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action

The ancient Greeks had a saying: When " Aschines speaks, people say: "How well he speaks, but when " Demosthenes spoke, people say, & 39; Let & 39; s march Philip! ".
To best results as a leader, the people with whom you lead should say one way or the other after & 39; you speak, " Let & 39; s march! & Quot ;
When you talk to people as a leader, this & 39; is not what you say c & 39; is really important, what is important is the & 39; action to take after people Because you have your say. And if you & 39; are not the people you turn right & 39; lead the action, you offer your little leadership, their confidence in you, and their willingness to take steps to you.
Here 8 are the right ways to & 39; action to get people march in the right direction to good effect at the right time in the right direction.
Action must be:
PHYSICS (1). Action & 39; is not what the public thinks or feels. & 39; C is really what the public. Usually, the public is taking steps with the feet and hands and tools. & 39; When we think of the measures that you want your audience to take their imagine doing something physical, and you are on the right track. Get your audience to take is to challenge the action & 39; just do one thing. When the & 39; Ronald Reagan said in his speech at the Berlin Wall, "Mr. Gorbachev, bring down this wall! " He was delivering a call to action & 39; which was a great turning point in the Cold War. In your day at the leadership, you are probably not face these daunting challenges that win a war, but you can use the principle of & 39; increase the effectiveness of your & 39; leadership for much levels.
(2) high PURPOSEFUL. People who are taking measures are useless to an organization. & 39; C is only those who take steps to achieve results that are useful. Make sure their work has purpose. The secret of success is constancy of purpose & 39;. When your audience take action, they must know exactly what & 39; they do and why they do it. Purpose Leadership talk has three aspects: the reason, the perception and awareness. People have to understand the rationale of & 39; action, they should have an emotional attachment to & 39; action, and be fully aware that & 39; they take action.
(3) HONEST. If you deceive people & 39; so that they take measures or lie to get them to take action, you damage that & 39; element on which the whole & 39; motivation, confidence. Then you can order them to do the job, but you will never & 39; n to motivate them. Be honest with yourself in & 39; making your call to action. Marcus Aurelius said: "Never l & 39; believes something like an advantage to you that will make you break your or lose your word self-respect. " Be honest with them in their difficult d & 39; act. I am not recommending only on this ground for confidence, but also eminently practical ones. After all, we do not know how well the leaders that we are unless we challenge people to do better than what & 39; they think that they are & 39;. And they can be persuaded d accept this challenge & 39; s & 39; they think we are deceiving them, or that you are mistaken yourself.
MEANINGFUL (4). Action gives meaning to the emotion & 39; your audience feels. L & 39; emotion alone can not achieve results. & 39; C is an action that produces results. Action valid emotion, and vice versa.
Leaders who find little meaning in their jobs or the outcomes associated with these jobs, leaders should not be, or they must change d & 39; employment and / or results . Most leaders understand that. But few leaders understand that the meaning & 39; also involves the employment of the population that they are & 39; head and & 39; attitude of these people to those jobs, and the results but for the jobs.
Your cause should be significant for people who must execute the & 39;. & 39; If that is your question, and not their cause, the measures that they take will & 39; insufficient results. Your question & 39; will be meaningful for them when they take measures to meet the challenges of this case are solving the problems of their needs. So, before you force them to take action, & 39; identify their needs and solve problems actions.
(5) LINKED TO NEED. The needs of the population are their reality. If you are head of & 39; an order, you have & 39; n unclear about their needs. You have that & 39; n & 39; to submit a my-way - or-the-highway attitude. But if you want them to act, you need to understand this reality. Because their motivation & 39; n is not your choice, c & 39; is their choice. Your role is to communicate, their role is to motivate, motivate themselves. & 39; C is their choice. & 39; This is not your own. So, their needs are not only their reality in the equation & 39; leadership, their needs are the only reality. They do not care about your needs. They do not care about your reality. They do care about their reality. Attach the & 39; action you want & 39; that they take to THEIR NEEDS, not yours. Which means, of course, that you must clearly identify their needs.
(6) URGENT: Patience is a virtue, but it can also be a tender trap. Urgency is a multiplier results. A Roman centurion says the secret of instilling a sense of urgency in & 39; troupe has been summed up in two words, "hit". His credo & 39; aujourd hui lives in order & 39; leader - not necessarily in a physical sense but also in a psychological sense. But trying & 39; obtain emergency d & 39; through " hit " is much less effective than having emergency & 39; from the inside & 39; motivation people. Here& 39;s a process to take urgent steps: IDENTIFY THEIR NEEDS, SEE PROBLEMS IN THEIR NEEDS AND ACTION ARE PROVIDING SOLUTIONS OF THESE PROBLEMS.
For example, in a police academy instructor came into the room with a note that Says clear on this room immediately. The first cadet ordered his colleagues. Some cadets left, but most remained. L & 39; instructor opened the note to a second cadet who pleaded for his classmates to leave. Again, a few left, but most remained. Finally, the professor gave the note to a third cadet. This cadet compris les moyens d & 39; identify needs and people have to take steps to solve these needs. He said two words, the room emptied. "Lunch! "
People are always willing to take urgent action to solve the problems of their needs. The question is can you identify these needs. Once you do, you hare halfway house for them to take such action.
(7) GIVEN A DEADLINE: All actions that you people must have a deadline. Otherwise, it could become a low priority for them, and they will not be particularly urged to take. Being constantly monitored when you motivate people to take action by asking: "Do I set a deadline for this action? " If you do not have the & 39; not it.
FED BACK (8): True & 39; n motivation is not what people do in your eyes. True motivation is that & 39; they & 39; that once they left your sight. Many leaders get the head " false " by the people that they are & 39; big - their nodding their heads and saying yes " ", face-to-face with the leader, but to & 39; inside, saying no " " When they leave your presence, they & 39; what they want, not what you want. Make sure the & 39; action to take the challenge back to you, so that you are aware - and they are aware that you are aware - this action.
Leaders do nothing more important than d & 39 ; get results, and results come from people who take action.
The trouble is, most of the leaders are people of & 39; a fraction of the potential results because these leaders misunderstand what & 39; action really is - and, in this misunderstanding to misapply and & 39; misuse it.
When speaking to the people, keep all eight lanes right action & 39; V & 39; mind that people take the right steps to ensure the realization of the right results.
2006 The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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