Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What are You Investing For?

Much how to implement the program, you want to define your goals before you start investing. Your goal may be to retire at 20-30 years old, children are college funding, or if you started a little late retirement in the next 5 to 10 years.
It " We think it is very important that your goal, then define the style of your investment. I want to make it very clear that when I talk about investing, I am not just talking about taking chances with their money, and hopes for a big return. I am much more subdued, but at the same time aggressive get the most return for the least amount risk.
Before fact, we talk about that, I should mention that in your case should look before you start to make any investment.
If you met with us in the past, you will find financial freedom Steps. These steps are useful for everyone who wants to get their lives on track. The first step is to develop and actually use the spending plan or budget. You have to keep track of all your income (paycheck), as well as all of your expenses (the monthly cost). This has already said that the budget is telling your money where to go and not to ask where it went. If you do not plan for your income before you get it, he will go places where you simply can not even keep track of down.
Most people and we help businesses get established on the budget tell us that they feel , as they receive a raise when they start living on the budget. I am sure that if you have not done all of the budget, you can not tell me to leave the party, where all your money is going. Try it and you will find out.
While develop spending plan, you should also tries to keep $ 1000 for beginner " & quot; emergency fund. Once that is completed, Step 2 is to actively repay all its debts (excluding your home) as soon as possible. Step 3 is to finish your emergency fund at the age of 3 to 6 months living expenses. Then and only then will we recommend the start of any investment program. The reason is simple ... the biggest wealth building tool for all of us that our income. Once your income is exempt activities, you can devote more of his time and energy in getting back the money you were previously paying interest. After all, if you pay by credit card at 17% interest, and that the pay for a card, you are now receiving 17% for themselves, not giving it to the bank. If you can earn 10% of your money, that is 27% of propagation!
Justin Lukasavige is a personal and business coach and owner of Lucas training. Visit / resources.htm per ton of free tools to help you improve your health, finance, business, career and life!
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